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listen to alex.

'anniversary' album cover Listen to Telenet, my crazy lover, from anniversary (a remix of Television, my lazy brother, originally found on The Canadian Spelling Program).

hellothisisalex · Telenet, my crazy lover

'anniversary' album cover Listen to Tack! (Brucebo Fika), from anniversary.

hellothisisalex · Tack! (Brucebo Fika)

'The Accidentals' album cover Listen to Blackpoll Party at Lobster Cove Head, from The Accidentals.

hellothisisalex · Blackpoll Party At Lobster Cove Head

'The Stump Act' EP cover Listen to Breath Donor Clinic, from The Stump Act.

hellothisisalex · Breath Donor Clinic

'across the river twin' album cover Listen to Dull cares vanish and the world seems right, from across the river twin.

hellothisisalex · dull cares vanish and the world seems right

'The Canadian Spelling Program' album cover Listen to Deep River, Ontario, from The Canadian Spelling Program.

hellothisisalex · Deep River, Ontario

'Save Your Fork, There's Pie!' album cover Listen to Jane, originally from Save Your Fork, There's Pie!, but later remixed for anniversary.

hellothisisalex · Jane (You Knew Remix)

'the anachim thorn' album cover Listen to Dinner at a restaurant, from the anachim thorn.

hellothisisalex · Dinner At a Restaurant

'Homelife' EP cover Listen to Gnostic Bus, originally from Homelife, remixed for anniversary.

hellothisisalex · Gnostic Bus (Big Blue Remix)

'the acorn children' EP cover Listen to Spider's Theme, originally from the acorn children, remixed for anniversary.

hellothisisalex · Spider's Theme